
See the difference
your feedback has made


We’ve listened to the local community and these are the changes we’ve made since the unsuccessful application in 2009:

The 2009 application was far larger with plans for 750 new homes along with a hotel, retail and community facilities. With your helpful feedback we’ve focussed our new proposals, submitted September 2021, on significantly increasing the amount of available green space and avoiding any landscape impacts.

We’ve revised the vehicle access so it is only from Pincents Lane at the south-west end of the site. In case of an emergency, there will be a locked emergency-only gate for emergency vehicles. 

2009 access

Through-route proposed in 2009 rejected in favour of single access from Pincent Lane (south-west side)


2021 Access

New access in/out Pincents Lane (south-west of site)

New Public park

Nine hectares (22 acres) to be gifted locally and protected in perpetuity from future development

strengthened buffer

Woodland buffer increased from 15m to 20 m between the site and the AONB

Reduced built area

Overall amount of housing reduced by 78% (750 down to 165 homes)

Reduced density

Overall density reduced to 40 (northern) and 30 (southern) sections per net hectare

affordable housing

40% of the homes: a mix of below-market rent and shared-ownership homes for local people

New healthcare hub

A new healthcare hub 450m2 with adequate parking